štvrtok 13. februára 2014

Unemployment and new technology

First of all, let me show you this short video.

Unemployment, is nowadays one of the biggest issues of the world. We deal with it every single day, which is not surprising. People have big troubles with searching for a job or even keeping a  stable place may be more challenging than it looks like. Why? Well, there are many factors which influet todays´ (un)employment, but the one I would like to talk about is technology. 

Since the 21st century, technological world has been developing as fast as the speed of light. It actually seems to be a great thing, but does this really influent our humanity only in a positive way? 
Well, as we all know, looking at things from differend angles is one of the most importatnt things, since we shouldn´t forget that everything has more than just one side.
Having seen this video opened my eyes and it has "introduced" me to so many new angles and made me feel a little bit different about this whole situation. I have to admit I haven´t really paid attention to those things (like this issue, but statistics about (un)employment especially in my country have always meant a little alert in my head- what is there waiting for me? How am I going to get a job? If now the situation is so bad, how is it going to look like in ten years? Eventually, these questions became so overhelming,  I put them behind.), so now, if I say something totally odd, please don´t judge me straight away :-).


Well, reconsidering MY answer, I would have to say no. At least for the employment. For instance, let´s say you are an ordinary worker in a textil factory. You have been working there for ages, and there are no particular reasons to have doubts or worries about losing your job. Suddenly, there´s an amazing invention- new sewing machines, which make your work ten times faster and hundred times more effective. At first you are happy to hear that. Finally, a step forward. But then, the next day, when you come home from work, satisfied with your amazing consistence and effort you put into your work, you get a call from your boss.... And you lose your job.
Are you still that same happy person you were 5 minutes ago?

Well, no. New technology is going to produce more materialistic products, but at the same time, it is going to "produce" more people without jobs- increase the one and only- unemployment number.

 That is kind of a "revolution" we all have already heard about. "Less machines!" "More hand workers!"
Well, a nice thought. It would definitely help to provide more jobs.........
 But, another thing is- and now I am getting to the short movie- we can´t actually help. Mankind has got into a point, where there is no chance to "hold the world" in our hands. What I am trying to say is we actually NEED machines. We consume more, therefore we have to produce more. And no one is ever going to produce so much without help of technology, no matter how nice the thought of creating new jobs for people is.

And there we are. We could employ everyone, there could be a way to give a job to everybody. But in these times, it would NEVER be possible. Our world literally runs forward so fast, we wouldn´t be able to live like this. It is really going to be hard. And  thinking of the future- are these new technoligical inventions really going to take control over our world? Well, let´s hope no. Let´s hope one day people will realise the way they live- that slowly, but surely they are destroying themselves.

2 komentáre:

  1. I am working on a project for LEGO factory in Denmark.. our task is to invent new technology with focus on special LEGO bricks replacing human workforce in far east factories, where these special LEGO bricks are being made now...thanks to our new technology, this part of a production will be moved back to Denmark, it will create small number of job positions(just few operators) in DK and it will increase gross domestic product of a country where LEGO belongs with its long history and family roots ...
    But your thoughts are also right :) :), and when I heard our task first time I felt guilty to be part of a team suppose to come-up with solution "how to replace human workforce" , but guys from LEGO showed us this positive site of the project... whole project is more complex and we also don't know about all the hidden sites of it but thanks to the positive ones our team can be proud of our engineering hard-work :)

    1. Good point! Of course, what i forgot was to mention people who actually stand behind all of these inventions. Their work is amazing, fascinating and as you said- they can be proud of what they are doing. But, on the other hand, people especially from poor countries, who arent able to do something like this and need to work with their own hands, are still "endangered". Well, everything has more sites and that is what i call life :)
