sobota 19. apríla 2014

Happy Trencin

Dear friends,

I know I haven´t been blogging for the past few months- what should definitely change. I was trying to think of something special, but I somehow couldn´t find the right topic to blog about. However, as I always say- a good idea comes with time. So that is the proper reason, I guess. (I just wanted to say that I am still here, alive, never thought of quitting:)).

First of all,  how you´ve already managed to notice, I am going to write this in English. It would be easier for me to type it in my own language, since I could write everything in a lot deeper way. But today my goal isn´t to express my deepest thoughts or to impress. Today it´s the time I am finally letting myself to tell you the truth....
About my hometown!!!:) And I hope choosing a "universal" language could make more people from all around the world read this article. And THAT is my goal today.


On the twenty first of  October, 2013 a funky-looking guy with a big hat shared a music video to his song called Happy. "It might seem crazy what I´m ´bout to say", but not only the name of it was happy- the whole song, prefectly matching the video, was about happiness. Pretty rare for today´s generation, right?

Well, the purpose was fulfilled. Obviously. People ALL AROUND the world started being happy, at least while listening to this song. But not alone- as a nation.
Uploading little music videos with people singing, dancing and SMILING, having this song played in the background, became a trend immediately. It was only a question of time when would a video from MY town come out.

Although I am not the creator, let me introduce you the best "happy music video" ever!

Happy Trencin 

First of all, I am giving huge credits to everyone who took part in this vid. They did such an AMAZING job. Everything is just perfect- the camera, production, the idea.
Yes, our town is a "tiny place in the middle of nowhere" (quoting many foreigners!).

 But in spite of our small popularity, we are people with great sense for life.
According to statistics, people with slavic blood are always able to have so much fun without any problem. Maybe I should say that most of them take it for granted. And I think THIS is actually very true. I had the opportunity to travel a little and I met many people from different parts of the world.
 And to be honest? Russians, Serbians, Slovenians, Slovaks (of course :P ) etc. were people with the craziest and funniest ideas, always good-tempered and in a mood of partying (haha). In my opinion, these are the funniest people to hang out with. And this is what our video shows- we are opened, always able to feel happy and free, despite all the problems we are struggling with.

I would like you to read these comments which I found very interesting and true, so I put them together. They reflect my town perfectly.

As our development in past was pretty much destroyed by the red army, it´s hard for us to dig out.  Economy, ecology, traffic, etc.- due to many facts, I have to admit, we are still in a quite bad position. Everyone knows we aren´t such a fast-developing country (now I think Slovakia in general) and many Slovaks are totally pessimistic about the whole situation. But what about looking at it from a different point of view? Thanks to this video, people (foreigners) can see what´s inside of us. It doesn´t show our negative, rather a positive side.
Our true face.
When my friends aked me what I love the most about my town, this could be the answer. This is the real us. Simple, true and happy.
So come and join us.

1 komentár:

  1. Wáááu super príspevok.Ako som videla toto video na nete, bola som strašne rada, že MY sme niečo takéto dali dokopy :)) som pyšná
